Dedicated servers
Dedicated servers from Aviti - are high-tech platform, global brands,
the best configuration to ensure uninterrupted operation of your project!

Your correct choice is a lease of the dedicaded server from Aviti! We will select the optimum configuration for the realization of your current project, the possibility of a phased increase in the power of the platform and resources for the development of your project, will set the selected by you operating system and a convenient control panel which allows you fully manage the server, place the server in your own data center, connect high-speed and reliable Internet port, provide not only the standard parameters: electric power, temperature, humidity air, but to control the capacity of separate joints and components of the server with a view to their rapid replacement if necessary.
As well as all hosting providers, we can offer to you dozens of tariff plans and “optimal” configurations of the dedicaded servers, and to leave you in private with the not simple task of choice.
We are Aviti, we will do better - call/write us or leave your coordinates. We will contact you gladly and promptly, will discuss all your wishes and details of the project, we will undertake responsibility and will offer really optimal solution!